Resilience and Review at Wolfdale


Resilience and Review at Wolfdale

Adapting to COVID-19

We recognise the current climate places restrictions on all of us and for our students especially this can result in heightened anxieties and concerns.

Since our students have started returning to Wolfdale School we have put in place a COVID-19 Risk Assessment for operations which includes:

·       one-way system - to improve the flow of students and staff around the school.

·       hand sanitiser dispensers - positioned at doorways leading to different areas of the school and outside toilets.

·       regular handwashing for staff and students - along with information sheets advising to wash for at least 20 seconds.

·       regular cleaning of high touch areas - including door handles, plug sockets and tables and chairs.

·       regular cleaning of items used - pens, pencils, laptops and tablets.

·       safe access to the community

Promoting New Experiences

We do not want to limit the experiences our students can learn from. As we embark on the new academic year we are moving towards having a curriculum that allows for new experiences to promote learning.

Our lessons will provide learning through projects that capture the interests and imagination of each child.  This approach will allow literacy, numeracy, Lifeskills and personal development skills to be practised and developed in a range of different environments, in a functional and meaningful way as we prepare our children and young people for adult life

Our current Vocational opportunities include:


Life Skills

Even with the current climate we still need to develop vital life skills with our students so they are prepared for the ‘the real world’.

We will continue with:

·       developing the skills and confidence to access the community.

·       budget and cook sessions - where students will plan a meal with a fixed budget, go out to buy the ingredients, then prepare and serve the meal.

·       developing skills through activities such as orienteering, bouldering, rock climbing, exploring and swimming.

We hope to have a positive Academic Year where our bespoke approach allows for maximum experiences and achievement, and we move further towards our ‘lone’ wolves becoming part of the ‘pack’.

* Further to governement guidance issued at the start of January 2021 for schools to remain open for vulnerable children and those of key workers, please see below our Remote Education Provision which was made in response to our stuednts who will not directly be accessing the School site during this most current lockdown.


Remote Education Provision - Information for Parents/Carers


Kirsten Gibson

Deputy Head

Wolfdale School


Wolfdale School