Our School

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Support the Young Person can expect

We recognise in order to create a positive environment for all to succeed we must come together as a ‘pack’ and help meet the needs of each young wolf. Our holistic approach allows ‘pack leaders’ to recognise key areas that impact the young wolf’s journey and bring it all together to make the experience positive.



There is a whole school approach to ensure that all Young People have the right to access school feeling safe and free of:

  • Bullying

  • Abuse including; physical, emotional and peer to peer

  • Neglect

  • Radicalisation

Staff receive safeguarding training and refreshers which encourage them to recognise and report concerns to the schools Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL).

The Young Person is also encouraged to recognise their roles and responsibilities in staying safe when using the internet, within friendships and relationships.


Behaviour Support

Led by the school’s Inclusion Manager to promote positive behaviour and support Young People to improve/modify negative or challenging behaviour to allow them greater access to their aspirations.

We recognise that due to individual difficulties crisis behaviour for one may manifest differently to another. We commit to the provision of an individualised Positive Handling Plan (PHP) for each Young Person. These plans will detail known behaviours and effective responses through the 6 stages of conflict (Anxiety, Defensive, Crisis, Recovery, Depression and Follow Up). Staff complete Team Teach training promoting use of non-physical intervention.

Reflection is used to support the Young Person to review incidents and feelings to help them understand and plan how they might respond in the future. 

Key to life experiences is that natural consequences are implemented following incidents, for instance if there is damage the Young Person will help remedy it.


Therapeutic Support 

Led by a qualified therapist, Creative Psychotherapy uses indirect intervention from the creative arts including story work, puppets, art, play and talk to support social, emotional and mental health difficulties.

Referrals can be taken for therapy from Parents, staff and the young people themselves. 

Here are some of the reasons someone may be referred: 

  • Emotional Issues: Trauma, Abuse, Loss/Grief, Attachment difficulties, illness

  • Behavioural Difficulties: Dramatic changes in behaviour, Oppositional behaviour, harm to others, environment and self

  • Social Issues: Bullying, Peer interactions/relationships, Expression of feelings, awareness of others

  • Mental Health: Depression, Anxiety, Psychosis, Eating disorders

  • Factors associated with learning disability: Expression of self, Communication difficulties, self awareness

Intervention aims to develop self-regulation, recognise own strengths, weakness, understand experiences, perceived experiences and understand themselves and strategies to manage. 


Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator 

Led by the school’s SENCO, providing support for individuals to remove barriers & increase access to learning academically and socially. By removing these barriers, the aim is to enhance self-esteem and self-worth.

Working alongside the school staff team to ensure appropriate strategies are in place to support individual needs and sourcing appropriate external services including Speech and Language.

Want to find out more?

Please feel free to email us, call us or simply you use the contact form


0116 2355600